2021 was a firework of inspiration.
12h of learning and conversations
Thursday, September 23rd, 2021 from 9am to 9pm CET
21 key-note speakers from around the globe
from companies such as Amazon, Microsoft and Vodafone to midsize and start-ups
17 live workshops and lots of networking
with 150+ attendees from 22 nations participating
You missed it? No worries. We have all for you here

And we do it again
Explore here all our content, speakers and workshops from 2021
Leading moms from around the globe shared their insights of how to combine motherhood and business, how they overcame challenges and what impact they are driven by.
We networked like in a real-live conference. And learn in several Masterclasses leadership skills of the future.
21 key-notes 17 Masterclasses ∞ Networking
Join us again
On March 22nd and 23rd. 2022 more Leadership moms - from top corporate levels to entrepreneurs and academia - share their path, challenges and solutions - real, authentic, blunt and raw.
Again we offer parallel interactive sessions to crack up your leadership skills with cutting-edge models.
And last but not least: network, connect and engage with others around the globe - just like in the physical world.
Speaker Line-Up 2021
22 leading moms from all continents of the world share with you their stories - real & insightful. They come from different cultures and backgrounds and all hierarchical levels. They are moms of one or four and all ages - young to adults. A true firework of diversity!
21 inspiring Key-Notes
No worries. Recordings are still available.
And even more will launch March 22nd, 2022
We had also 2 Interviews and 4 live Workshops
in German (DEUTSCH).
and not to be missed
A male perspective
4 additional interviews with Leaders & Fathers available
And a panel with male executives
from Nestle, Vodafone and Marienhaus Group

It's first of all an investment in YOU!
Self-Mastery is key!
Learn from moms who took the leap and reached for the stars.
They balance life and business.
Impact through their leadership role companies & society.
Inspire their children with love and kindness as role models.
Healthy, strong and with care for next generation!
Like to book a Focus Coaching Session?
Workshop Sessions 2021

17 MASTERCLASS sessions
Embodied Leadership - How do we tap into the full intelligence spectrum which is available to us. Sharpen to listen to our intuition and embracing a holistic approach
How to stay healthy in our body, mind and spirit when demands are high and time is limited
The art of hosting - Instead of Open Space Technology or a Scrum approach, give your meetings a deeper and more human touch to not just create the same, but find solutions build on refraiming the problem.
Find your values, lead with purpose. The path of leading with meaning and impact.